Name: Layla

Sex: Female

Estimated Age: About 14 years old

Best Guess for Breed: Pitbull Terrier Mix

Weight: About 35 lbs

Lives With: Layla LOVES all adults.

Housebroken? Layla is housebroken and crate trained.

Story: Layla was rescued by a local family many years ago. She isn’t comfortable with small kids and so she is looking for a new family to live out her golden years kid and dog free! Layla LOVES all people - she wants nothing more than attention and pets. She knows just how to get comfortable up on the couch with her humans, and will love to join you on walks and trots around the neighborhood. Layla is just looking for someone to be her new best furend and we know that she will repay them with endless amounts of love and tail wags.


PERFECT FAMILY: A home with 1-2 adults. Layla loves humans that give her love and affection, and she gives it right back. We recommend that she not go to a home with small children, as they do not yet know how to be gentle with her. We also recommend a house with no other animals. Layla loves all the love and affection for herself! She will be your best friend and cuddle partner.

PERFECT HOME: One with a fenced in yard away from the bustling city. She loves lounging in the grass or basking in the sun when the weather is warm. 

EXERCISE NEEDS: As an older dog, Layla is very mellow and will lounge and cuddle all day. Perfect for those who work from home and just want some company! She will get excited for 1-2 short walks a day.  She is well-trained on a leash. She also has a lot of fun playing fetch in the yard or tug of war.

BEHAVIOR IN HOME: We have boarded dozens of dogs in the past, and Layla is the most loving. She is very affectionate and will give you lots of kisses. She loves to lounge on the couch, on her dog bed, or a human bed if you allow her (she will snuggle under the covers). She loves human attention. She will approach humans and give them a sniff, and will ask for pets or scratches. She initially gets excited when guests come over but after a few minutes, she will lounge again. She is a fairly quiet dog and does not bark much. 1-2x a day she enjoys a walk and/or playing with stuffed animal toys. She will go to the bathroom in the yard or on a walk.

CRATE: Layla loves her crate, she will sleep and relax there during the day when she is sleepy. Since she sleeps and lounges a lot when she's alone, we typically don't crate her when we leave the house, but if we do, she does just fine and sleeps. During the night, she likes to sleep close to her humans.

If you think that Layla might be your perfect match, please email

Petey and Furends