Name: Whiskey

Sex: Female

Estimated Age: About 1 year old

Best Guess for Breed: Terrier Mix

Weight: About 50 lbs (as of 12/4)

Lives With: Adults in a suburban environment.

Housebroken? Whiskey is housebroken, crate trained, and knows all of her basic commands. She is a super smartie and is eager to please.

Story: Whiskey came to us from a shelter in North Carolina! We are just not sure how she ended up in there! Whiskey is super sweet, friendly and cuddly. She loves affection and being close to her people. She does not understand personal space and like to use your lap as a head rest. She is house trained and does well in her crate and ex-pen. She is enjoying long walks through the neighborhood, she does well on the leash. She gets excited when she sees squirrels and often wants to greet people who are passing by. After a couple long walks and playtime in the yard she will happily cuddle up with you on the couch.  She sleeps through the night in her crate with no issues. Whiskey is a great mix of cuddly and playful, she would be a great companion for another playful/energetic dog  or as an only dog in an active household. She interacted with a couple kids at one of our adoption events and they were petting her. Whiskey didn’t seem to mind the extra love! Whiskey is just looking for someone to be her new best furend and we know that she will repay them with endless amounts of love and tail wags. As a young dog, Whiskey will need an adopter who is committed to setting her up for success by enrolling in obedience training and exercising her both mentally and physically. She will also need love, patience, and socialization in order to thrive!

PERFECT FAMILY - Whiskey currently lives with 2 adults and she has met our nephews (6 and 9 years old) and did great with them.  She would do best as the only dog in the home.

PERFECT HOME - Whiskey would love a home where she is able to curl up on the couch with her people.  She loves to snuggle and will often use a lap as a head rest, she’s also a great weighted blanket.  She does not understand personal space. She currently has a backyard and enjoys wandering and sniffing and will occasionally show us her zoomies. She would really enjoy a forever home with a backyard, but I don’t think it’s a requirement.  She does well when left in an expen while we are not at home so she doesn’t require someone to be home all the time - no separation anxiety.

BEHAVIOR IN HOME - Whiskey has been a great house guest! She is house trained  and crate trained. She might bark when someone is at the door, but it is rare to hear her bark.  She has not been destructive in the house at all, she only chews on dog toys.  When I am working from home she will nap in a dog bed for most of the day.  At bedtime she goes right in her crate and will sleep through the night.

EXERCISE NEEDS - Whiskey does well with two 30-45 minute walks a day and maybe a little play time in the house or yard. Whiskey does have some leash reactivity on walks, she is getting better with every walk and will just require an adopter with some patience to work through this with her. She is very food motivated so she learns quickly and can be redirected when there is food involved.

Color Match: PURPLE - Constant Companion (Socially Motivated)

Dog Personality Give up quickly if they encounter obstacles or a better alternative; these are considered mild-persistence dogs.

Adopter Personality — These dogs are perfect for novice dog owners (or families with small children) because they can be relaxed, tolerant, and well mannered.

The fee to adopt Whiskey is $450. That covers the cost of all her vaccines, the collar she’s wearing, her transport to DC and her care in her foster home. She’s up to date on all age appropriate vaccines and already spayed. Whiskey has been seen by a shelter vet and we are not aware of any health issues.

If you think that Whiskey might be your perfect match, apply today!

Petey and Furends