Name: Brazil

Sex: Male

Estimated Age: About 4-5 months old

Best Guess for Breed: Domestic Short Hair Mix

Weight: About 4 pounds

Good With: People and other cats. He lives in a foster home with another cat and does great.

Story: Brazil is a Domestic Short Hair Mix who was born into a neighborhood colony at the Brazil Embassy in Washington, DC. The kind folks at the Embassy fed and took great care Brazil until we were able to place him in a foster home, and we are so happy to have him with us now safe and sound! Brazil is a happy and sweet young kitten. He spends his days playing with his foster family and chasing all the fun toys they have. When he’s done it’s nap time or cuddling with his humans!

What my foster says: Brazil is a beautiful kitten with amazing black & white markings!  He was rescued from an outdoor colony along with his parents and siblings and is learning to adjust to the safety of indoor life.  He has been a bit shy with his foster, but is making so much progress every day!  He enjoys the companionship of his foster siblings who are showing him that humans are the best!  Brazil likes playing with his foster brother, playing with his toys and climbing his cat tree.  Brazil will be best in a quiet home with a patient owner who can help him continue to blossom into his best self!  Currently Brazil would be best in a home with no young children who might scare him, and a young kitty friend to continue to show him the ropes!  Are you the one to give Brazil the love and support he needs?

The fee to adopt Brazil is $200 ($325 for two kittens). This covers the cost of his neuter, vaccines appropriate for his age, the collar he’s wearing, his transport and his care in his foster home. Brazil has been seen by a local vet and we are not aware of any health issues.

Are you ready to give Brazil the love and attention he deserves? If so, apply today!

Petey and Furends